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What Expertise You'll Get From Straight Line 

Lead Generation

Generate effective leads automatically

Learn the Straight line way to generate leads from Jordan.

Internet Marketing

Reach To Your Ideal Costumers

SLM provides you perfect marketing strategies and tools to Precisely Target Your Costumer

Competitive Intelligence

With SLM you are Ahead of your competition.

SLM Provides you insight of top leading companies so you can lead your competition.


Convert your leads into satisfied customers

Apply SLM Proven Success Techniques To Convert Leads Into Loyal Customer

Jordan Belfort's Straight Line System

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Get Jordan Belfort's Straight Line

   get Jordan Belfort's   Course At Just 

Leonardo Dicaprio

“I’ve been in his company many times, but there’s nothing quite like Jordan’s public speaking...and his ability to train and empower young entrepreneurs. Jordan stands as a shining example of the transformative powers of ambition and hard work. And in that regard, he is a true motivator.”

Straight Line Success Stories

– Oliver Jones

The value I get from that training is great!! I have not doubled my sales yet!! But I feel so much confident in my ability to close. I feel empowered: I know the close is up to me! The close is not even important, my focus is on the skill. I even enjoy the NO!! I am getting passionate about: I don’t want to be a cashier and close the 20% enthusiastic, I take pride in closing the 30% that need to be influenced, persuaded. An element that I am really grateful is the ethic, I have heard more about ethic from Jordan Belfort than from anyone, any field put together.

– Tevin Gongo

Probably the best investment I have ever spent. I believe this course has set myself up to make all the money I could have dreamed of… know how most of your day is spent trying to sell to people who just won’t purchase your product, well this teaches you to not sell those people who just aren’t going to buy it by qualifying them. Once you have found the answers to the questions you asked either you have yourself a customer or you don’t. If you do have a customer go and sell to them and if you don’t just tell them thank you for the time. Just remember the words of the way of the wolf so Jordan, tell me how long have you been in the market for a pen’ I’m ok here’s your stupid pen back, I don’t sell to people who are not looking to buy, that’s what novices like you do. These are the wisest words I have ever read

Your course has changed my life. I am now the #1 salesman in the company. Been promoted to a Team Lead, and now training others on how to close like a WOLF. All because of your TRAINING and INSPIRATION! Best part, my team results has skyrocketed. Pretty amazing to see, to say the least! THANK YOU JB.

– Alex Smith

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